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Team-based and/or Flipped Classroom Scaffolding Support System created with

'doKumaran' Tool "real time" learning interventions


The activity support system enables coordinating learning actvities, systematically organising student responses and scaffolding more effective class discussions.


To increase student engagement, collaboration and critical thinking.

Challenges tackled

Greater opportunities for engaging students in a flipped and/or team-based learning model come with risks for instructors:

  • Inadequately monitoring the learning activities

  • Unintentionally marginalizing students

  • Increasing confusion

Value Proposition of dKT - 'doKumaran Tool'

dKT - doKumaran Tool

'doKumaran' tool

  • The “doKumaran” tool is an integration tool within the LAMS system that allows teachers to create powerful and collaborative learning designs leveraging on “real-time” document collaboration among students.

  • The “doKumaran” tool allows students to collaborate on single or multiple documents in real time attaining a learning outcome while influencing each others thoughts.

  • Activity sequences created using “doKumaran” tool.

Feedbacks from students


“Learn from other students, look at problems from different perspectives”


“Everybody is able to contribute equally to the discussion since we are free to type down our thoughts”


“Allows everyone to pen down their inputs simultaneously”


“I like that the online collaboration is real-time. It is fun and productive”


“Encourage more participation and effective discussion”


“Able to view the contributions real time and add on/ provide inputs”


“Through the lams peer review system, we are actively encouraged to contribute"


“It gives us a platform to voice our views without speaking, for those feeling uncomfortable to speak up”

Critical Thinking

“As classmates will review the work, it encourages me to think more critically”


“Critic of others work forces us to consider other addons and perspectives”


“Team members can challenge one another immediately on the online platform, allowing one another to think through their points more critically”


“Feedback comes immediately which makes us think and come up with better and more competitive answer”

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With the Instructor-Group Activity Sequence, students are able to work within their group of 5-6 members through discussions amongst them for any tasks assigned.


The activity sequence will be as follows:

a)   Group formation

b)   Leader and scribe selection

c) Work together with the group to  answering of question(s) based on a case study.

d)  The instructor will then review the work done in the activity with the class.

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Instructor Centred

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The collaboration activity sequence allows different groups in a class to work together concurrently. For example, two groups can work on one document together at one time. Students will therefore be exposed to teamwork with bigger teams using this activity sequence. The collaboration activity sequences focus on higher level of collaboration across two different groups. This activity sequence enables two groups, for example, each group comprising of 5-6 members each to work together through discussions amongst them, thereafter having their group input entered into the activity support system. This allows all 10-12 students in the two different groups to work “real-time” concurrently. The goal is to increase engagement through varying groups so that the students may work with different people and be exposed to broader range of opinions and ideas.


The activity sequence will be as follows:


a)   Group formation

b)   Leader and scribe selection

c)   Selection of topic to cover

d)  Answering of question(s) based on a case study collaborating with another group

e)  The instructor will then review the work done in the activity with the class

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The peer review activity sequence enables each group comprising of 5-6 members to work together through discussions amongst them. After having their group input entered into the activity support system, each of the group’s collective input will be directed to an assigned reviewer group for a peer review. Here, the reviewer group will review and evaluate the reviewee group’s collective input and provide their feedback with a brief justification. This process of reviewing another group’s answers enables students to be engaged in their learning. The activity support system then re-directs the peer reviewed answers to the reviewee group. The reviewee will then understand and assess the feedback provided and revise their input as deemed appropriate. This reflective process of reviewing and revising their work with peer review enhances students’ critical thinking skills and competencies. At the end, the initial input by the reviewee group, the peer reviewed feedback by the reviewer group and the revised answer by the reviewee group are all sent to the instructor, for a class discussion of this activity attempted to be facilitated.


The activity sequence will be as follows:


a) Group formation.

b) Leader and scribe selection.

c) Answering of question(s) together with the group based on a case study.

d) Instructor's selection of which group's work to be evaluated by which group.

e) Group work sent to the selected group to be evaluated.

f) Evaluation of the other group's answer, with justifications.

g) When all the groups in the class has completed their evaluation, return to review the evaluation given.

h) As a group, assess the evaluation and incorporate or reject the suggestions, giving justifications for both.

i) The instructor will then review the work done in the activity with the class.

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Peer Review


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Under the circumstances where a task come in stages, such as in planning processes or employment cycles, this activity sequence allows different groups in the class to each take on a different stage of the task. After the groups have worked on their assigned stage of the task, the class can come together and work together on the whole task together. This would enable students to see the bigger picture, and the links and connectivity between each stages of the task. Thereafter, each group can critically reflect on the flow of the stages in order to fine-tune their work.


The activity sequence is as follows:


a) Group formation.

b) Leader selection.

c) Instructor will assign groups to each of the parts of the question.

d) Answering of question(s) in a group based on a case study.

e) Instructor will review the answers from the class.

f) Using the instructor's feedback, work with the other groups to create a coherent answer connecting all parts of the question.

g) The instructor will then review the work done by the class.


The Unstructured activity sequence focuses on higher level of collaboration. This activity sequence enables a few groups comprising of 5-6 members per group to work together collectively in a large team which can consist of around 20-25 members. After the team discussion, the collective input is entered into the activity support system. This allows all the 4-5 groups to work “real-time” in a single document concurrently. The activity sequence is similar to the group-centric activity sequence.


The activity sequence is as follows:

a) Group formation.

b) Leader and scribe selection.

c) Work together with the group to answering of question(s) based on a case study.

d) The instructor will then review the work done in the activity with the class.


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