In today's rapid changing environment and with evolving expectations, educators in business education need to carefully design its course curriculum to achieve the quality and rigor of management training. Today's business education needs to mould students to become future business leaders and managers, having them realize their role as change catalysts in building a productive and sustainable world, in which enterprises of all sorts can be leveraged on humanistic expectations, educators in business education need to carefully design its course curriculum to achieve the quality and rigor of management training.
K^mAlive is an authentically developed learning support system that aims to enhance students' cognitive and critical thinking competencies through real-time assessment will be shared. The in-class support system is a platform that (a) monitors individuals learners' participation and/or contributions real-time in class; (b) access the quality of contributions real-time via assessment rubrics; and (c) includes data analytics that enables extraction of useful students' performance information.
dKT is a team-based learning support system developed to increase student engagement, enhance, collaboration, and critical thinking in the students' learning process. Instructors can use this support system to (a) coordinate learning activities seamlessly in a reasonably large-sized seminar style class; (b) organise student responses in a systematic and effective manner; (c) facilitate peer learning; (d) scaffold move effective group and class discussions.
Flipped Classroom
Flipped classroom is commonly defined as a swap of in-class information transmission with learning activities that were traditionally carried out outside a classroom (LAge, Platt, & Treglia, 2000). By leveraging technology, what instructors used to teach in a lecure can now be done outside the classroom (Abeysekera & Dawson, 2015; Little, 2015), for example, in the form of a video recording of a lecture. With the widely accessible internet, students can watch these web-based lecture anytime, anywhere. This enables the class time to be freed up and used for engaging students in more active social learning activities (Abeysekera & Dawson, 2015; Findlay-Thompshon & Mombourquette, 2014).
Mason, Shuman, and Cook (2013)'s study compared the effectiveness of a flipped classroom to a traditional classroom in an engineering course. They found that the flipped classroom has shown three advantages in comparison to the traditional classroom: 1) it enables the instructor to cover much more relevant and useful course material; 2) students' academic performance improved; and 3) students found the flipped classroom format satisfactory and effective.
Though a flipped classroom holds a lot of promises, simply viewing the lecture video outside of class time is not enought to make the flipped classroom successful (Tucker, 2012). There is no single model on how a flipped classroom is implemented (DeLozier & Rhodes, 2017). It is highly dependent on how the instructor structures the class (Little, 2015). As Lage et al. (2000) has rightfully pointed out, an instructor would have to put in a lot of effort in preparing the activities for the class to achieve his teaching goals. Instructors need to make sure the larning activities are adequately monitored, students are not marginalized unintentionally, and the lessons are not focusing. This might be especially difficult and stressful for an inexperienced instructor.